Queen Matilda of England and Empress of Germany
1102 - 1167 (or 1169)

Relationship to me: Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandmother Gen -27
Born: 1102
Died: 30 January 1167 (or 10th Sep 1169) Rouen
Age: 64
Father: King Henry I 1068 - 1135
Mother: Matilda (formerly Edith) c. 1079 - 1118
Brothers: William, Duke of Normandy c. 1103 - 1120
Sisters: None known
Married: (1) Henrich V, Emperor of Germany, (m. 1114) 1081 - 1125
(2) Geoffrey Plantagenet, Count of Anjou (m. 1127) 1113 - 1151
Children: (2) King Henry II of England 1133 - 1189
Geoffrey, Count of Nantes 1134 - 1158
William, Count of Poitou 1136 - 1164

See http://www.britannia.com/history/monarchs/mon25a.html for further information on Matilda.

Further Information:

According to information passed on to me by Ian Caldwell, in Dec 2001: "Matilda=(1) Henrich V, Emperor of Germany, m.1114, died 1125, no children. =(2) Geoffrey of Anjou, married 1127 when Matilda was 25 and Geoffrey was only 14. They had 3 sons.

In the strict atmosphere of the German Court, Matilda acquired a haughty, almost arrogant nature, similar to her father's. She was the daughter of Henry I and Matilda and was used to having her own way and she found it difficult to make friends. When her husband died in 1125 she returned to England and was acknowledged as heir because of the death of her brothers, but the barons did not like the idea of being ruled by a woman, especially following her marriage to Geoffrey of Anjou.

When Henry I died in 1135 his nephew, Stephen, claimed the throne and the barons rallied round him. Matilda and her illegitimate half brother, Robert of Gloucester, landed at Arundel in 1139 and for the next 8 years there was civil war. Stephen was defeated in 1141 but Matilda's haughty ways made her unpopular and the war continued, not finishing until Robert died in 1147 and Matilda returned to Normandy. But she had the satisfaction of seeing her son, Henry, crowned as King of England in 1154, and died on 30th January 1167".

Last Updated: 29th Jan 2003